
SysInfo is a lightweight and efficient system information tool that gathers detailed hardware, network, and system information from Windows devices and sends it to configured Discord webhooks. This tool is ideal for monitoring, debugging, and analyzing system configurations.


SysInfo collects the following types of information:

User Information

System Information

Disk Information

Network Information

WiFi Information


To run SysInfo, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Windows OS: The tool is designed specifically for Windows platforms.
  2. Go Programming Language: Install Go to build and run the project.
  3. Git: Required for cloning the repository.

How to Build

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd SysInfo
  2. Configure your Discord webhooks in webhooks/webhooks.go:

  3. Install dependencies:
    go mod tidy
  4. Build the executable:
    go build -ldflags="-s -w -H=windowsgui" -o SysInfo.exe


This tool is designed for ethical use only. Ensure you have proper authorization before deploying it. Misuse of this tool may violate privacy laws or terms of service.